A Momentary Exchange

It was after I stuck my hand out of the window with a few dollars in it that I saw the man’s homemade sign, which read, “I will sing for you.” Well, that’s a new one, I thought. Fortunately, I was in the lane of a parking lot and there was minimal traffic, so I pulled over and popped the flashers on as he approached my vehicle.

And sing he did, a few lines of an old country song that I recognized. His voice was clear, true, and pleasant. He paused to tell me that he had lost a lung six weeks prior and that he and his wife were living in the woods, but the smile reached his eyes when he said that God is good and is taking care of them. Then he sang one more heartfelt tune. At Heartland Sings, our primary purpose is to touch lives through the power of music, and this man touched me with his songs. It seemed fitting.

I often wonder what has led a person to the point of humbling themself to the degree of standing curbside with signs asking for money or food, facing judgment from their fellow humans, often in inclement weather. Undoubtedly, there are those who are not using the money they receive for what the giver would consider good purposes. Each of us has our own feelings about whether or not to offer assistance and these situations, and it is impossible to try to help every person who is in need.

This particular encounter was notable for me because it reminded me to see the person behind the outstretched hand. Was his story true? Would he use the money for something that I would consider appropriate? I realized that it didn’t matter because it was my choice to lend aid, and his choice to respond by singing. We were two humans connecting in a momentary exchange. It was a good reminder that we never know what is going on with another person, but can at least acknowledge their humanity.

Maybe today you will encounter someone who is longing to be seen, and you are the one to acknowledge them. You never know when you will be serenaded in return.
Laura G. Burger

Christie Browning

Christie is a five-time HSPA award-winning writer with a long resume of creative, compelling writing. Her background includes journalism and marketing, which allows her to bring a specialized voice to the pieces created for her clients. On her own, Christie has written for newspapers, online magazines and major publications. For her clients, Christie produces web designs, press and media releases, blog articles, downloadable worksheets and flyers as well as social media content. Her long-time career as an entrepreneur gives her unique insight into what her clients need to promote their products, services and messages.


Reaching Lives With Music